2 Apr, 2024

Kayla Ward

Kayla recently moved to Jackson with her two dogs and is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She enjoys hiking, skiing, traveling, and generally just being outside or tending to her many house plants.  Kayla specializes in evaluating and treating neurologic conditions in the adult population. Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia,

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10 Aug, 2023

Shea Boyle

Shea is a Wyoming local who grew up in Evanston, WY, and has since been lucky enough to live in several different towns on her journey to Jackson, WY.  Shea was a competitive springboard and platform diver while she attended the University of Wyoming and has spent many years coaching high school springboard diving throughout

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23 Jan, 2023

Mariana Rong

Mariana recently moved to Jackson from Dallas, Texas along with her husband and two Aussiedoodles, Milos and Moonpie. Mariana was a two-time NCAA All-American tennis player at St. Mary’s University, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in biology. As her college tennis career came to an end, she fell in love with the outdoors.

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