Developmental Delay

As we develop from birth, there are common developmental “milestones” that are reached around certain ages. For example, at 4-7 months babies typically start babbling and engaging with their parents. Taking first steps is generally expected between 9-12 months. When children don’t meet milestones in a reasonable amount of time, a delay in development can start to become evident. Often developmental delay can be seen in babies who seem stiff or floppy, have difficulty holding their head steady, can’t sit on their own or don’t respond to noises or smiles after the appropriate ages to do so.

As we develop from birth, there are common developmental “milestones” that are reached around certain ages. For example, at 4-7 months babies typically start babbling and engaging with their parents. Taking first steps is generally expected between 9-12 months. When children don’t meet milestones in a reasonable amount of time, a delay in development can start to become evident. Often developmental delay can be seen in babies who seem stiff or floppy, have difficulty holding their head steady, can’t sit on their own or don’t respond to noises or smiles after the appropriate ages to do so.

How Pediatric Therapy Helps

Our therapists work closely with your child and their pediatrician to determine the root cause of their developmental delay. After a thorough evaluation, our multidisciplinary team, that may include physical, occupational, and/or speech therapists, will develop a comprehensive plan to assist your child in attaining their developmental milestones.