Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome occurs when there is a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and produces common traits in children with Down Syndrome. Common physical traits include low muscle tone, low strength, difficulty attaining normal developmental milestones, walking difficulties, and looseness of ligaments. Children with Down Syndrome often have cognitive and neurological delays with difficulty processing normal activities.
How Pediatric Therapy Helps
Physical therapy works to improve muscle motor patterns so activities can be completed with more skill and accuracy. Physical therapists also address difficulties with walking, sitting, standing, and balance. Improved physical abilities allow a child to participate in normal daily activities and attain independence.
Occupational therapy helps children with Down Syndrome improve self-care skills, fine and gross motor skills, and play and leisure activities.
Speech therapy addresses issues with speech, language development, and feeding. These are common impairments due to low tone associated with Down Syndrome, affecting the muscles of the tongue and throat.