St. John’s Health COVID-19 Information Website:

Una noticia de St. John’s Health del COVID-19/Coronavirus. 

“Como parte de su plan de preparación de emergencia, Salud de San Juan ha implementado una  línea telefónica  para evaluar a los pacientes. Si usted tiene fiebre, tos o síntomas similares a la influenza; si ha tenido contacto cercano con una persona confirmada con COVID-19; o si ha viajado en los últimos 14 días a un área de transmisión generalizada, debe de quedarse en cuarentena en su casa y llamar a su proveedor de salud o a San Juan al 307-739-4898 x3 para una evaluación por teléfono. Por favor no acuda a las clínicas médicas de St. John. Si usted está experimentando una emergencia médica, incluyendo dificultad para respirar, llame al 911 o diríjase a la sala de urgencias en el 625 E. Broadway y llame a 307-739-4898 x1 para obtener instrucciones antes de su llegada.”

Our system in place to keep you safe:

We have made some changes to how we run things here at Teton PT & Rehab in an effort to decrease exposure for our patients. With your health and wellbeing in mind we have implemented the following precautions: 

  1. All staff must take their temperatures twice daily and leave the clinic if they have a fever
  2. All staff must adhere to social distancing, wash their hands, and use hand sanitizer before, during, and after treating patients
  3. Staff will be taking patients temperatures prior to the start of their therapy appointment
  4. Patients are required to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer when they enter the clinic
  5. We have suspended all independent workout time. Patients can only be in the clinic during their scheduled time
  6. To limit the number of people in the waiting room please wait in your car until your scheduled appointment time
  7. Every therapist has been designated a treatment room for the day. This means there will not be the normal lively hustle and bustle of the gym we all love to be a part of
  8. Our amazing rehab techs will be diligently cleaning all surfaces that are contacted with even more vigor then normal

Please call to talk to the front desk if you have any questions about your appointment. We will continue to do our diligence to keep you safe and as more recommendations are available from the CDC and St. John’s health we will adjust our protocols. 


Updated 3/24/19

In light of current circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and the need to adhere to social distancing, we are offering patients Telehealth Video Appointments with their therapists to reduce exposure and risk of coming into the clinic. Telehealth is a virtual appointment where you utilize a computer or smartphone to have a face-to-face treatment session. You may be familiar with this concept through Skype or FaceTime. 

We are using an online video platform called Zoom through the WY Telehealth Network. This is secure HIPPA compliant virtual meeting software. Just like in the clinic your therapist can schedule a 1-on-1 appointment to help you continue your therapy and plan of care remotely and safely.

We have used telehealth in the past with patients who live remotely and it’s been very well received. Once you get the initial setup dialed, it’s really simple and gives you great one-on-one time.

We are excited to use this great technology to provide you with the highest level of care! Thank you and please reach out if you have any questions. 

The ability to bill through your insurance for this service depends on your individual policy.